The library superb
offers two main functionalities.
First, it can be used to obtain plots with adjusted error bars. The main
function is superbPlot()
but you can also use
for a graphical user interface requiring no
programming nor scripting. See the nice tutorial by Walker (2021).
The purpose of superbPlot()
is to provide a plot with
summary statistics and correct error bars. With simple adjustments, the
error bar are adjusted to the design (within or between), to the purpose
(single or pair-wise differences), to the sampling method (simple
randomized samples or cluster randomized samples) and to the population
size (infinite or of a specific size). The superbData()
function does not generate the plot but returns the summary statistics
and the interval boundaries. These can afterwards be sent to other
plotting environment.
The second functionality is to generate random datasets. The function
is used to easily generate random data from any
design (within or between) using any population distribution with any
parameters, and with various effect sizes. GRD()
is useful
to test statistical procedures and plotting procedures such as
The official CRAN version can be installed with
The development version 0.95.15 can be accessed through GitHub:
The easiest is to use the graphical interface which can be launched with
The following examples use the script-based commands.
Here is a simple example illustrating the ToothGrowth
dataset of rats (in which the dependent variable is len
) as
a function of the dose
of vitamin and the form of the
vitamin supplements supp
(pills or juice)
BSFactors = c("dose","supp"),
variables = "len" )
In the above, the default summary statistic, the mean, is used. The
error bars are, by default, the 95% confidence intervals. These two
choices can be changed with the statistic
and the
This second example explicitly indicates to display the
instead of the default mean
BSFactors = c("dose","supp"),
variables = "len",
statistic = "median")
As a third example, we illustrate the harmonic means
along with 99.9% confidence intervals using
BSFactors = c("dose","supp"),
variables = "len",
statistic = "hmean",
errorbar = "CI", gamma = 0.999,
plotStyle = "line")
The second function, GRD()
, can be used to generate
random data from designs with various within- and between-subject
factors. This example generates scores for 300 simulated participants in
a 3 x 2 design with repeated-measures on Day
s. Only the
factor Day
is modeled as impacting the scores (the reduce
by 3 points on the second day):
<- GRD(
testdata RenameDV = "score",
SubjectsPerGroup = 100,
BSFactors = "Difficulty(A,B,C)",
WSFactors = "Day(2)",
Population = list(mean = 75,stddev = 12,rho = 0.5),
Effects = list("Day" = slope(-3) )
## id Difficulty score.1 score.2
## 1 1 A 71.43951 56.40627
## 2 2 A 54.96865 47.87347
## 3 3 A 66.92676 74.19139
## 4 4 A 59.06399 65.31043
## 5 5 A 81.31176 72.11825
## 6 6 A 67.89877 81.92877
The simulated scores are illustrated using using a more elaborated
layout, the pointjitterviolin
which, in addition to the
mean and confidence interval, shows the raw data using jitter dots and
the distribution using a violin plot:
BSFactors = "Difficulty",
WSFactors = "Day(2)",
variables = c("score.1","score.2"),
plotStyle = "pointjitterviolin",
errorbarParams = list(color = "purple"),
pointParams = list( size = 3, color = "purple")
In the above example, optional arguments errorbarParams
and pointParams
are used to inject specifications in the
error bars and the points respectively. When these arguments are used,
they override the defaults from superbPlot()
As seen, the library superb
makes it easy to illustrate
summary statistics along with the error bars. Some layouts can be used
to visualize additional characteristics of the raw data. Finally, the
resulting appearance can be customized in various ways.
The complete documentation is available on this site.
A general introduction to the superb
underlying this library is published at Advances in Methods and
Practices in Psychological Sciences (Cousineau, Goulet, &
Harding, 2021).
Cousineau D, Goulet M, Harding B (2021). “Summary plots with adjusted error bars: The superb framework with an implementation in R.” Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2021, 1–46. doi:
Walker, J. A. L. (2021). “Summary plots with adjusted error bars (superb).” Youtube video, accessible here.