If you have not yet registered your protocol, you can benefit of our tools to select a priori the type of input data that could be extracted to estimate an effect size.
When data extraction has been performed in duplicate, our tools offer the possibility to flag the differences between the two datasets. For this example, we will use two datasets (df.compare1 and df.compare2) distributed with metaConvert.
rowname | chng_type | study_id | author | year | n_exp | n_nexp | prop_cases_exp | prop_cases_nexp |
3 | df_extractor_1 | 3 | Raymond | 2022 | 198 | 238 | 0.32 | 0.22 |
3 | df_extractor_2 | 3 | Raymond | 2022 | 188 | 238 | 0.32 | 0.22 |
4 | df_extractor_1 | 4 | El-Jiher | 2017 | 2010 | 1991 | 0.1 | 0.21 |
4 | df_extractor_2 | 4 | El-Jiher | 2017 | 2010 | 1991 | 0.1 | 0.31 |
5 | df_extractor_1 | 5 | Tortolinni | 2005 | 111 | 181 | 0.5 | 0.45 |
5 | df_extractor_2 | 5 | Tortolinni | 2005 | 111 | 181 | 0.5 | 0.4 |
Only rows with differences between the two datasets are identified, and you can easily retrieve the row number by looking at the ID in the rowname column. In grey, values that are consistent between the two data extractors. In green/red, the values that differ. Here, the two data extractor did not agree on the ‘n_exp’ column for the row 3 (198 v 188), and on the ‘prop_cases_nexp’ for rows 4 (0.21 v 0.31) and 5 (0.45 v 0.4).
For this example, we will generate effect sizes from the df.short dataset, and we will estimate Hedges’ g.
To know more about the information stored in each column, refer to documentation of the summary.metaConvert function, available in the R manual of this package.
A tutorial on a more advanced usage will be proposed in the companion paper of this tool; the link will be inserted as soon as the paper will be published.
For now, you can refer to the documentation of the convert_df function in the R manual of this package, in which all options are described.
If you prefer having a graphical user interface (GUI) when performing data analysis, we are please to introduce you to our web-app that enables to perform ALL calculations of this package using an interactive GUI https://metaconvert.org/