NEWS | R Documentation |
Merge ChangeLog and NEWS files.
Now use Rd format for NEWS file.
Now use HTML2 for the vignette 'test-beta'.
Add DOIs for some references.
Clean-up NAMESPACE file.
Remove package version in the overall man page.
Remove TODOs in man pages.
Remove/update old URLs in man page.
Remove URLs in README using badger package.
Fix a warning due to a missing link in documentation object from 'fitDR.Rd': to fitdistrplus.quantile.
Change the maintainer from G.A. Spedicato to C. Dutang.
Remove of the knitrcitations dependency.
Correct the vignette, in particular typo in Equation (10).
For MBBEFD, the cdf now uses res[q <= 0] <- 0
rather than res[q < 0] <- 0
Bumped requirement of Rcpp and R.
Added support for the unwind api of Rcpp
Update automatic naming of legend in eccomp() (similar update for fitdistrplus).
Add a lines method for eecf object and update the man page.
Update testing parameter value of mbbefd(a,b) for inconsistent value.
Update starting values to meet requirements of next fitdistrplus version.
Remove unused arguments.
Fix issues in docs.
Removed vignette in inst... It will be autocreated.
Native routines registration fix.
Bumped requirements to R 3.4.
Native routines registration (compliance with R 3.4).
Minor changes (simplified integration).
fix in fitDR() and doi(g)beta().
Add corresponding test on smokedfish dataset.
Minor changes to cope with fitdistrplus changes.
Added data sets (aon and loss).
Start an unified approach for paramater estimation based on the fitdist function from fitdistrplus.
Markus Gesmann added as contributor, adding new vignette on exposure rating.
Fixed some calls to Rcpp code.
Christophe Dutang added as contributor.
Introduced shifted truncated Pareto functions.
Harmonize distribution parameters' to R usual ones: pmbbefd accepts (q, a, b, g) and no longer (x, a, b, g).
Improved vignettes.
Move to github
Rcpp introduced.
Inserted missing packages for LaTeX.
Fixed various bugs in code and vignettes.
First release on CRAN.